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Frequently Asked
Question (FAQ)

Document Number: 1003

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Example 8

Select desired upgrades
ACME Searchtub $900.00

  Include Pull-Handle +$9.00
  Include Brass Wheels +$14.00
  Include Leather ID Tag +$6.00

The code used to create this example can be found below.
Portions in bold are required by the cart, while the rest is for page layout only.

<form style="margin-bottom:0px" method=POST action=>
<table border=10 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6>
<tr bgcolor="lightyellow">
<td><font face="Verdana" size=-2>Select desired upgrades</font></td>
<tr bgcolor="lightblue">
<td align="left">
ACME Searchtub $900.00<br>
<input type=hidden name="AddItemST01" value="demo|ACME Searchtub|900.00|1|ST01||UPS Ground -- Residential|80"> <br>
<BR>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="AppendItemST01001" value="demo|<br><LI>Pull-Handle|+9.00">
<input type="radio" name="AppendItemST01001" checked value=""> Include Pull-Handle +$9.00
<BR>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="AppendItemST01002" value="demo|<br><LI>Brass Wheels|+14.00">
<input type="radio" name="AppendItemST01002" checked value=""> Include Brass Wheels +$14.00
<BR>&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="AppendItemST01003" value="demo|<br><LI>Leather ID Tag|+6.00">
<input type="radio" name="AppendItemST01003" checked value=""> Include Leather ID Tag +$6.00
<input type=image border=0 name="submit" src="../images2/add.gif" width="100" height="52"></center>

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