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Successful Online Shopping Carts Have Check-out Buttons On Every Product Page

Make your online shopping cart easy to use : Put a check out button on every product page:

A check out button is a graphic the links back to the check-out section of your online shopping cart. It’s important to make it as easy as possible for your customers to conclude any transaction. A well designed web site allows customers to do that. By anticipating the possibility that you customers may browse through other products without buying them, a check-out button on every product page makes it easy for them to do this.

Some shoppers will look at other products before they make complete their purchase. But check out should be easy for them to do if they don't want to make any more purchases. Don't make the mistake that some web sites do by only showing a check-out button after they have selected a product. We have more tips on using buttons properly on our 'Tips' page. Facilitate product browsing and quick check-outs. This will allow you to 'close the deal' and make your online shopping cart more successful.

How to Build a Successful Online Shopping Cart
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